Tuesday, February 28, 2012

America, Land of the Free

Pg. 74 "we give thanks for our lives here in America and for the good fortune of living close to one another."
I picked this quote because even though America didn't really plan out as well as she expected, she still is thankful for America and that her family is so close. This relates to Children of the River because Sundara's family was very thankful to be in America to be safe of the war in Cambodia.This also relates to me because a lot of my family lives close by and we always make sure we get together often because family is very important just like it is in Funny in Farsi.
Pg. 75 "I always share gratitude for being able to pursue my hopes and dreams, despite being female."
This quote stood out to me because I am so used to being free and having the same rights as anyone, sometimes I forget that in other countries, rights are different. Woman are not always treated the same as men and don't get as many rights. Firoozeh feels happy that she can pursue her dreams because it doesn't matter what gender she is. Rights are different in Children of the River as well because they have different social classes and rules. Also girls are not allowed to be alone with a boy.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Pg. 73 "No, I said, there was nobody yelling at me in the sea."
I chose this because I remember when I was learning how to swim and I hated it. I didn't like how the swim teacher would make us swim all the way down the pool and I couldn't swim that far so I would always almost drown but she would always make me keep going. I think I would've rather learn to swim at my own pace and not be scared of drowning like Firoozeh was.
Pg. 73 "Years later, when we moved to Newport Beach, I discovered that one of the greatest joys in life is jumping from a boat into the deep, blue Pacific ocean."
This quote relates to me because I can remember how much I hated learning to swim, but now that I know how pretty well, I love it! During the summer I love to jump off things and into the water. Now its so much fun, just like Firoozeh loves it now too.

The "F Word"

Pg. 62 "All of us immigrants knew that moving to America would be fraught with challenges, but none of us thought that our names would be such an obstacle."
I chose this quote because she explains that the Iranian names are much different than American names and that Americans have a very hard time pronouncing them. Also, people gave mean nicknames because it sounds similar to their names. This is why She wanted to get an American middle name. In Children of the River, Sundara did not have that problem. Her name was not that difficult to pronounce. Since I am American I do not have that problem either, people just ask how to spell it because it's French.
Pg. 65 "I felt like a fake"
I thought this was important because she has decided to change her name to an American name so people could actually pronounce it and remember it. This worked for a while, but soon she got caught up with her family calling her Firoozeh and her work friends calling her Julie. She finally went back to her real name and learned to get used to people messing up her name.

A Dozen Key Chains

Pg. 47 "But I was completely ignored by everyone, including the counselors.
This quote stood out to me because she is completely alone and there is no one to talk to. Also she says that most of the girls are mean. This is similar to Sundara because when she first went to school a lot of people just stared at her and she felt alone too. I can remember feeling alone when I had classes that none of my friends were in.
Pg. 46 "I decided then and there not to bathe."
I chose this quote because where she comes from you do not bathe or change in front of anyone. The idea of someone coming in while she is bathing, she simply could not do. This is similar to Sundara because she was not used to changing in the locker room with everyone. This does not relate to me because I have grown up with that way all my life and I am used to it so it doesn't really bother me.

With a Little Help from My Friends

Pg. 32 "We had always known that ours is a small country and that America is very big. But even as a seven-year-old, I was surprised that so many Americans had never noticed us on the map."
I chose this quote because I thought it was interesting how she explained that nobody knew where Iran was. Most people today like me, know where it is on the map because of all of the problems that have been going on around that area. However, back then they had no idea, because there was no news over there. For Sundara in Children of the River, I'm sure that people knew where Cambodia was because there was a huge genocide going on that everybody must have heard of.
Pg. 34 "The correct pronunciation, I always informed them, is Ee-rahn."
I thought this quote was interesting because I have always called Iran as "I-ran" I had no idea that that was the wrong way to pronounce it. Also, whenever I hear people talk of Iran I always hear them pronounce it the wrong way too. Pronunciation of word for foreigners is always hard, like in Children of he River, Sundara's family had a very hard time pronouncing some American words and Sundara would always pronounce Jonathan's name like "Jonatan" because she couldn't pronounce the "th" sound.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Pg. 24 "Marriage, in my culture, has nothing to do with romance. It's a matter of logic.
Marriage is different in many cultures. For Sundara and her culture in Children Of the River, it is arranged marriages and the children have no say. In this book, it's logic, if the parents like each other than the kids have to too. But if they don't like each other, the kids can not be together. In America, you can marry who ever you want, and I think that is the best choice.
Pg. 30 "Male peacocks display their feathers to attract the female, but a male human displaying an over flowing gut yields far different results."
I think this quote is very true because even though people say looks don't matter, I think everyone secretly thinks that they do. Men do a lot of things to impress girls and a lot has to do with looks. Sundara, in children of the River, first noticed Jonathan because of his good looks. 

Save Me, Mickey

Pg. 17 "Because we were new to this country, we were impressed not just by the big attractions but also by the little things--smiling employees, clean bathrooms, and clear signage."
 I chose this quote because America has a lot of big attractions, but to hear that they were even impressed by the little things was a little new to hear. Normally when people travel they go to all of the big sightings, at least that's what my family does, but I never really thought about just the plain environment that is new too and could definitely impress people coming from a whole different country.
Pg. 21 "Despite the belief of most Westerners that all Middle Easterners look alike, we can pick each other out of a crowd as easily as my Japanese friends pick out their own from a crowd of Asians."
I found this interesting because she explains that it is like they have a radio frequency that only other Iranians pick up. Many nationalities look very similar, sometimes it is hard for me to tell British from American because we look extremely alike.

In the Gutter

Pg. 13 "The unbreakable bond between my father and his siblings, serves as a testimonial that even though their parents lived very short lives, they did something right."
I thought this was important because they would do anything for their siblings. The dad can not stand when one of his siblings are mad at him. This relates to me because I have a very strong bond with my two sisters as well. Also in Children of the River, Sundara did not have that close of a bond with her sister but when they got split up, she realized how much she misses her.
Pg. 16 "Shortly thereafter, my father gave up bowling entirely, deciding it was a stupid sport, if one could even call it a sport."
I chose this quote because right when he knew he wasn't that good at bowling he just gave it up. I think a lot of people are like that. He didn't even want to practice to get better. This is similar to me when I gave up basketball. I knew that I wasn't that great so I wanted to stop. I am a little disappointed in myself because I gave up and didn't try to get better.

Hot Dogs and Wild Geese

Pg. 11 "I always responded by assuring them that if they moved to another country, they, too, would learn the language".
I thought this was important because she has to be the translator for her mother so she has to go everywhere with her. I think that being a child, it is easier to learn a new language because they have a better memory and can adapt easier to her surroundings including the language. At school I am taking French and that is very hard to learn, however I think it is better that I am learning it when I am young rather when I am older.
Pg. 12 English is a confusing Language."
This stood out to me because for me it is so true. Even for me English is a hard language. I still get confused with all of the rules and exceptions. For example "i" before "e" except after "c". I can't imagine how hard it would be to move to America and learn this language. When Sundara and her family moved to America they had a very hard time learning and understanding American language too.

Leffingwell Elemantary School

Pg. 4 "It was the Promised Land"
I thought this was important because the family assumed that America was going to be clean, kind and orderly. I think that people who don't live in America have many thoughts on what American is like. However, clean, kind and orderly are the assumptions I hear the most. Sundara and her family in Children of the River came to America to be safe and had similar thoughts on what America would be like.
Pg. 7 "After spending an entire day in America, surrounded by Americans, I realized my father's description of America had been correct. The bathrooms were clean and the people were very, very kind"
I thought this was important because just after one day she says that the people are very kind. I like to think that people in America are nice but there will always be some people who are not and Firoozeh will soon realized that not everyone is nice too. In Children Of the River, Sundara learns this as well as Jonathan's girlfriend is very mean to Sundara.