Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Dozen Key Chains

Pg. 47 "But I was completely ignored by everyone, including the counselors.
This quote stood out to me because she is completely alone and there is no one to talk to. Also she says that most of the girls are mean. This is similar to Sundara because when she first went to school a lot of people just stared at her and she felt alone too. I can remember feeling alone when I had classes that none of my friends were in.
Pg. 46 "I decided then and there not to bathe."
I chose this quote because where she comes from you do not bathe or change in front of anyone. The idea of someone coming in while she is bathing, she simply could not do. This is similar to Sundara because she was not used to changing in the locker room with everyone. This does not relate to me because I have grown up with that way all my life and I am used to it so it doesn't really bother me.

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